The cause of FSS is not clear. The onset of shoulder pain is usually without any obvious physical cause. The pain related to this stage gets worse over time, creating progressive limitation to the shoulder’s range of motion. The shoulder can be classified as frozen once it has reached its maximum restricted movement pattern. Constant pain may have subsided. Yet pain may be felt whenever movement is attempted past the restricted range of motion. Typically, a person experiencing FSS will be unable to reach behind his/her back and will be unable to bring the arm above the height of the shoulder. The Role of Chiropractic for FSSSince nerves supplying the shoulder joint and surrounding tissues originate in the neck, it is always advisable to have your chiropractor assess your neck for vertebral subluxations if you are suffering from this, or any other painful shoulder condition. Restoring proper movement in the spine can help assist proper nerve function in the shoulder area.
Dr. Wolff can also show you recommended forms of exercise and stretching to complement chiropractic adjustments. FSS may take a long time to heal, but any improvement represents a significant enhancement to the person’s quality of life. If you or anyone you know may be suffering from frozen shoulder syndrome or any other shoulder pain, please call our office at 281-587-0334.
Pre-Conception Chiropractic CareChiropractic prior to conception promotes a more regular menstrual cycle and optimal uterine function rendering the body as strong and balanced as possible to carry and manage the pregnancy. Restoring optimal nerve supply to reproductive organs has helped many couples who had previously believed they were incapable of conceiving. Early Pregnancy Chiropractic CareAfter conception, the body goes through a series of significant changes. One easy to spot change is extra weight gain, primarily in the abdomen, that results in a change in posture, gait, as well as center of gravity for the expecting mother. As the baby continues to develop, hormones called prolactin and relaxin are released in the mother allowing for increased breast size and weight preparing for lactation as well as a loosening of mom’s ligaments to prepare for safe passage of the baby through the pelvis. These weight carriage changes along with an overall loosening of supportive structures creates ample opportunity for pain-causing, function-altering spinal subluxations to develop. Changes that may be more difficult to recognize are the millions of different hormonal changes and chemical reactions occurring in both mother and developing baby, all of which are coordinated and controlled through the nervous system. A well maintained spine and nervous system through regular chiropractic adjustments promotes a nervous system that responds immediately and accurately to the changing requirements in all parts of the body. Advancing Pregnancy Chiropractic CareAs a woman’s pregnancy advances, some chiropractic techniques will need to be modified for your comfort. Your ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association) chiropractor is aware of this and will make the necessary changes. The passage of the baby through the mothers pelvis occurs through a process called nutation and then counter-nutation as the pelvis undergoes extreme changes in tilt of the pelvic bones to allow ample room for safe passage of the baby. Pre-existing relatively unnoticed or unidentified imbalances (subluxations) in the spine and pelvis along with those created in the course of pregnancy not only affect the comfort of mom but also have the potential to significantly lengthen labor and complicate delivery. The Webster TechniqueICPA chiropractors are trained in the “Webster Technique”. This technique addresses intrauterine constraint or mal-presentations, misalignment of the pelvic bones, misalignment of the sacrum and vertebrae, and relative tension imbalance of the ligaments that support the pelvis. In expectant mothers presenting breech there has been a high reported success rate of the baby turning to normal vertex position. This technique has also been successfully applied in mothers whose baby’s present transverse or posterior as well. Any position of the baby other than ROA may indicate the presence of sacral subluxation and therefore intrauterine constraint. At NO time should this technique be interpreted as an obstetric, “breech turning” technique. Can Chiropractic Make Pregnancy Easier?According to recent studies, chiropractic care may result in easier pregnancy including increased comfort during the third trimester and delivery and reduced need for pain medication. In one study, women receiving chiropractic care through their first pregnancy had 24% reduction in labor time and subjects giving birth for the second or third time reported 39% reduction in labor times. In another study, the need for analgesics was reduced by 50% in the patients who received chiropractic adjustments. In addition, 84% of women report relief of back pain during pregnancy with chiropractic care. Chiropractic care has helped new mothers become more comfortable breastfeeding as well as to enhance milk production. Chiropractic care has also been shown to reduce the likelihood of post-partum depression. Now that the baby is here, when should I have her checked for subluxations?Babies should be checked right after birth because of the potential damaging effects of the birth process. Even the most natural birthing experience is somewhat traumatic to the baby and may have unidentified damage. Studies show that many children that experience symptoms of colic, asthma, and ear infections have spinal subluxations impairing their nerves normal function. Early detection and correction can help preserve better health for you child. Will a chiropractic adjustment hurt my child?ICPA chiropractors use very specific gentle techniques when adjusting children. The newborn chiropractic adjustment consists of 6-8 grams of pressure specifically directed to correct spinal alignment abnormalities (subluxations). This amount of pressure can be comfortably applied to your eyeball with the eyelid closed. ICPA chiropractors are well trained in evaluation and treatment of all stages of childhood development through adulthood.
Each stage of development has specific commonalities, treatment needs, and delivery styles that are more appropriate. Most ICPA chiropractors offer complimentary consultations, giving families the opportunity to meet with them and ask questions. All children function better with 100% nerve function. All children deserve the right to express their fullest potential. Chiropractic care for children is safe, gentle and effective. It enhances the body’s inborn potential for well-being.
Pain Reduction - Initial Intensive PhaseOur first goal in restoring your health is to reduce your pain and improve your function to a tolerable level. During the Initial Intensive Phase, it's necessary to treat you frequently. We expect a significant amount of pain reduction within two weeks. If this is not the case, then further evaluation and/or treatment plan modification will be made, or a referral if necessary. Two weeks is a short period of time considering that most problems take years to develop. Some people take longer than others to achieve relief from pain, but once you are beginning to feel better, you must be very careful not to be overzealous and push yourself to "over do it." Aggravating your condition by over doing it can slow the healing process. Improvement of Function - Rehabilitative PhaseOnce pain has been reduced, we will begin the rehabilitation phase of treatment. By restoring optimal strength and flexibility, the function of your neuromuscular skeleton will be improved. During this phase you should be able to perform most normal daily activities without frequent aggravation of symptoms. A home exercise program is recommended to help strengthen and balance your body. In this phase of care, your treatment frequency will begin to decrease and your self-treatment responsibilities will increase. We must be a team working together towards the goal of improving your health. Maintaining Your Health - Wellness PhaseOnce you have reached your maximum level of function and improvement, our final goal is to maintain your health. The Wellness Phase of care is perhaps the most important service we provide our patients. Periodic examinations allow for early detection of joint and muscle dysfunction before they become painful. If allowed to go undetected and untreated, minor dysfunction can develop without symptoms until they are aggravated by work habits, lifestyle activities, or other stress factors. Many times people will invest a tremendous amount of time and energy into obtaining better health just to let it slip away by not maintaining it. Early detection and treatment are important to cost-effective health care. Make the most of your investment in your health by getting regular wellness care.
- John Amaro, D.C., FIAMA, Dipl.Ac (IAMA), Diplo.Ac. (NCCAOM)
The Law of CreationWhatever we think about and focus upon grows into reality. We create the situations we think about throughout the day. If you think you will succeed, you will. If you think you will fail, you will. If you think you are old, others will perceive you that way. The same is true of youthfulness. The Law of AttractionWe attract people, places, things and circumstances into our lives in direct proportion to our wants, needs, and desires. People and situations come into our lives not by accident, but by our creation of the need. The Law of Controlling Our Own LivesIf we are not specifically controlling our own lives and creating the circumstances necessary to meet our desires, we become instruments used by others to meet their missions. The Law of RelaxationWith physical laws, the harder we work, the more we accomplished. With mental laws, the more we relax, believe, and expect to succeed with ease and confidence, the better the results. The Law of ReciprocityWhatever we see in the universe sees us! Whatever attitude, feelings, thoughts and desires we put out, regardless if they are negative or positive, return to us. The Law of The Universe (Karma)Like the law of reciprocity, which deals with mental factors, the law of karma deals with physical manifestations. This law is what may affect our personal belongings, physical health and financial status. This law works negatively or positively, depending upon what we have put out to the universe. The Law of ReturnOur rewards in life are in direct harmony with the value of our products, services or ideas. The Law of SubstitutionConsciously substitute all negative thoughts with positive ones immediately upon experiencing the negative thought. We can only experience one thought at any given time; therefore, by substituting a positive for a negative, only positive will reach the subconscious. The Law of BeliefWhatever we be live with strong feelings becomes our reality. We are not limited by what we think we can do but by what we think we can't do. Self-limitations are not based upon reality, but are based on negative beliefs. The Law of Present-Time-ConsciousnessIt is imperative that we live in the present, as opposed to "tomorrow" or in the past. Preparing for tomorrow with righteous living and positive thoughts prepares us for what we will manifest; however, it is what we do today, right now (present-time-consciousnes) which is important to achieve the rewards of life. The Law of Personal GrowthTo become a successful practitioner, businessperson, parent, athlete, etc., become , act and feel as if you are already successful. The human spirit will act upon what it is given The Law of ExpectationWe must know what it is is we want to accomplish or obtain before the universe an manifest our desires. The Law of ClarityThe clarity of our mind and thoughts is in direct proportion to the physical clutter in our lives. Take a look around you! The Law of Cause and EffectWithin universal law, our thoughts are the cause; the conditions, either good or bad, are the effects. The outcome is totally dependent on our creation of thought. The Law of PerseverancePeople who succeed never stop trying. People who stop trying never succeed. The Law of ForgivenessForgiving all others is a necessary and effective purgative for a successful life. The law doesn't demand that we like other persons or situations, just that we forgive them and let go of the mental chains that entrap us.
Lao Tzu observed that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Best wishes on your life journey; you've taken the first step! |
AuthorDr. Michael J. Wolff, D.C., F.I.A.C.A, F.I.C.P.A ArchivesCategories |